Shoes are one of the many things I love to collect. I don't really have a particular favourite style since I tend to love variety of styles. As I aged though, comfort has become an essential part of choosing a pair.... except on rare occasions when the style overrides comfort (this only happens when I choose a pair of heels. LOL
Anyhow, I have collected 3 staple favourites of mine for fall.
Booties: Great pair for summer or fall season.... Sans socks for these which is awesome in hot summer days. A pair of skinnies, or a dress completes the look for day out or night.
Lace-up Boots: These boots are very comfortable and trendy for this season. Watch out shoe lovers!
Leopard Flats: I love the print on these shoes, again, great to pair it with skinnies, dresses or skirts. You can pair it with neutrals or monochrome theme and the print pops out!
Which one is your favourite for fall?
So there you are. I hope everybody had an awesome weekend! I tried to catch onto my sleep... yes, lots of beauty rests. Such a great feeling! Have a fantastic week ahead everyone!